Andrew Stefan
Andrew Stefan
Narrative Bio
Hometown: Novi, MI
Undergraduate: University of Michigan
Medical School: Wayne State University
- Ellen M. Friedman Foreign Body Management Award 2023
- Roger Walker Jr. Scholarship in Otolaryngology 2023
- Mehta Family Alumni Scholarship in Otolaryngology 2023
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society 2022
- Wayne State School of Medicine Academic Scholarship Award 2022
- School of Medicine Dean Academic Endowed Scholarship 2021
- Stefan AJ, Herc ES, Gudipati S, Brar I, Vitale A, Tariq Z. Atypical presentation of progressive disseminated histoplasmosis in a patient recently diagnosed with AIDS. Int J Infect Dis. 2023;127:45-47. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2022.11.036
- Stefan AJ, Cung T, Siegel, B. Delayed Diagnosis of gastric tube cap foreign body aspiration disguised as status asthmaticus. Otolaryngology Case Reports. 2021;21. doi: 10.1016/j.xocr.2021.100332
- Law RH*, Quan DL*, Stefan AJ, Peterson EL, Singer MC. Hyperparathyroidism subsequent to radioactive iodine therapy for Graves' disease. Head Neck.
- Stefan AJ, Ghanem T, Mayerhoff R. Single-Port Robotic Removal of a Submucosal Foreign Body in the Distal Hypopharynx. [Oral Presentation]. ABEA at COSM 2023 Annual Meeting, May 4, 2023, Boston, MA.
- Stefan AJ, Bernardo S*, Elhage K*, Azkoul W*, Grauer J*, Siegel B. Complications of Pediatric Cochlear Implant Surgery. [Poster Presentation]. SENTAC 2022 Annual Meeting, December 3, 2022, Philadelphia, PA.