Tyler Gathman
Tyler Gathman
Narrative Bio
I am originally from Minnesota and have a multidisciplinary background in engineering and medicine. I apply this knowledge to various research areas at the intersection of otolaryngology and medical devices, predictive algorithms, and healthcare sustainability. Outside the hospital, I enjoy snowboarding, ballroom dancing, and distance running. I am currently training to run in one of the fantastic half-marathons in Michigan. Detroit has so much to offer, and you can commonly catch me enjoying the phenomenal food provided at the Eastern Market on the weekends.
Hometown: Rochester, MN
Undergraduate: Chemical Engineering (BS), Iowa State University
Graduate: Biomedical Engineering (MS), University of Minnesota
Medical School: University of Minnesota School of Medicine
Other Information
- Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) - University of Minnesota School of Medicine
- Eivind Hoff Award (2023 and 2024) - International Hearing Foundation, University of Minnesota Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
- Poster Presentation Award - Minnesota Academy of Otolaryngology
- Academy Travel Award - American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
- Burkhardt Engineering Award - Iowa State University Department of Chemical Engineering
- Tau Beta Pi (TBP) - Iowa State University College of Engineering
Academic Achievements / Research Fellowships:
- Summer Research Fellowship (SURF) - Mayo Clinic College of Science and Medicine, Rochester, MN
- Scott D. Augustine Biomedical Engineering Research Fellowship - University of Minnesota College of Engineering, Minneapolis, MN
1. Choi, J, ,Gathman T., Huang, T., Adams, M. “Utility of Single-Item Subjective Hearing Questions in Older Adult Hearing Screening,” abstract and poster presented at the American Otologic Society (COSM) Conference, April 2023, Boston, MA.
2. Gathman, T., Fina, M., Ebert, B. “Outcomes of Primary Acquired Cholesteatoma Treated with Endoscopic and Combined,” abstract and poster presented at the American Academy of Otolaryngology, September 2023, Nashville, TN.
3. Mortenson, L., Oldenburg, K., Gathman, T., Hamlar, D., Adams, M., “Catching the Ear of Medical Students through Otolaryngology Surgical Simulations,” abstract and poster presented at the American Academy of Otolaryngology, September 2023, Nashville, TN.
4. Gathman, T., Rodrigeuz-Orellana, G., Basile, J., Adams, M., Lim, H., “Ultrasound-Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions as a Novel Diagnostic Tool or Hearing and Intracranial Pressure Assessment,” abstract and poster presented at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, February 2023, Orlando, FL.
5. Wils, B., Gathman, T., Lande, J., Service, G., “Cochlear Implant Migration: Case Series of Extruded Electrode Arrays,” abstract and poster presented at the Minnesota Academy of Otolaryngology Annual Conference, January 2023, Minneapolis, MN.
6. Gathman, T., Choi, J., “Machine Learning Prediction of Cognition: Objective Hearing Status as a High-Impact Feature,” abstract and poster presented at the Minnesota Academy of Otolaryngology Annual Conference, January 2023, Minneapolis, MN.
7. Gathman, T., Vasdev, R., Schoephoerster, J, Softness, K., Wang, S., “Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence Predict Depression with Machine Learning,” oral podium presentation presented at the International Continence Society, October 2022, Vienna, Austria, Virtual.
8. Gathman, T., Choi, J, Vasdev, R., Schoephoerster, J., Adams, M., “Prediction of Objective Hearing Loss from Demographics and Subjective Hearing Loss with Machine Learning,” oral presentation presented at the American Academy of Otolaryngology, October 2022, Philadelphia, PA.
9. Vasdev, R., Gathman, T., Schoephoerster, J, Softness, K., Wang, S., “Strong Association Between Urinary Incontinence Features and Severe Depression: A 10-Year Analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,” abstract and poster presented at the North Central Section of the American Urological Association, August 2022, Chicago, Il.
10. Gathman, T., Schoephoerster, J, Vasdev, R., Batiste, D., Liffland, S., “Evaluation of Sustainable P4MCL as PVC Replacement in Medical Plastics,” abstract and poster presented at the American Society for Mechanical Engineering (ASME) Design of Medical Devices Conference, April 2022, Minneapolis, MN.
11. Choi, J, Gathman, T., Huang, T., Adams, M. “Hearing Test History and Discordance between Audiometry-measured and Self-reported Hearing,” abstract and poster presented at the American Otologic Society (COSM) Conference, April 2022, Dallas, TX.
12. Schoephoerster, J, Vasdev, R., Batiste, D., Liffland, S., Gathman, T., “P4MCL Based IV Bags a Possible Sustainable Replacement to Current PVC Based IV Bags,” abstract and poster presented at the American Institute for Chemical Engineering (AIChE) and Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) 6th Annual Bioengineering and Translational Medicine Conference, October 2021, Virtual.
13. Schoephoerster, J, Vasdev, R.., Batiste, D., Liffland, S., Gathman, T., “Sustainable IV bags: out with PVC, in with P4MCL,” abstract and poster presented at the Institute for Engineering in Medicine (IEM) Conference, September 2021, Minneapolis, MN.
14. Gathman, T., Tibesar, R., Erdman, A., Nedrelow, D. “Growth and Resorption Finite Element Model to Evaluate Tissue Expanders for Cleft Palate Repair,” abstract and poster presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, June 2021, Virtual.
15. Sager, A., Gathman, T., Nath, C., Vasdev, R., Schoephoerster, J. “An Overlooked Symptom of COVID-19: Hospital Waste,” abstract and poster presented at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Clinical Climate Change Conference, January 2021, Virtual.
16. Gathman, T., Nath, C., Vasdev, R., Schoephoerster, J. “COVID-19 Patient Care Exacerbates Climate Change: Current Global Estimates and Predictive Modeling on Waste and Emissions,” abstract and poster presented at the University of Minnesota Global Health Conference, September 2020, Virtual.
17. Gathman, T., Graves, E., Sandino, M., “Integration of Replacement Melanoma Stains and Novel Synthesis of Alternatives,” oral presentation presented at the Roche Research and Development Grand Rounds, August 2018, Tucson, AZ.
18. Gathman, T., Graves, E., Matthews, S., “Evaluation and Optimization of Replacement Melanoma Stains,” abstract and poster presented at the Roche Summer Symposium, August 2018, Tucson, AZ.
19. Gathman, T., Son, Y., Sun, J., “Clinical Relevance of NTRK-3 in Immunity,” oral presentation presented at the Mayo Clinic Department of Immunology Symposium, August 2017, Rochester, MN.
20. Gathman, T., Son, Y., Sun, J., “Impact of NTRK-3 on Germinal Center B-Cell Development,” abstract and poster presented at the Mayo Clinic Summer Research Fellowship (SURF) Symposium, August 2017, Rochester, MN.
1. Gathman, T., Choi, J., Adams, M., “Machine Learning Prediction of Objective Hearing Loss from Demographics and Subjective Hearing Loss,” manuscript published in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, February 2023.
2. Choi, J, Gathman, T., Lin, F., Adams, M., “Performance of the Automated Image Importation in a Smartphone for Personalized Sound Amplification,” manuscript published in JAMA Otolaryngology, May 2022.
3. Choi, J, Gathman, T., Huang, T., Adams, M., “Hearing Test History and Discordance between Audiometry-measured and Self-reported Hearing,” manuscript published in JAMA Otolaryngology, May 2022.
4. Gathman, T., Schoephoerster, J, Vasdev, R., Batiste, D., Liffland, S., “Evaluation of Sustainable P4MCL as PVC Replacement in Medical Plastics,” manuscript published in Frontiers in Biomedical Devices, May 2022.
5. Gathman, T., Choi, J., Huang, T., Roby, B., “Formula Otorrhea in Pediatric Patients with Cleft Palate,” manuscript published in The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, April 2022.
6. Taufique, Z., Escher, P., Gathman, T., Nickel, A., Lee, D., Roby, B., Chinnadurai, S., “Demographic Risk Factors for Malnutrition in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate,” manuscript published in The Laryngoscope, October 2021.
7. Vasdev, R., Schoephoerster, J., Nath, C., Gathman, T., “Clinical Environmental Stewardship Amidst the COVID-19 Era: Ethical Considerations and Reformative Solutions,” manuscript published in The Harvard Public Health Review Journal, February 2021.
8. Gathman, T., Sajjadi, A., Kleinschmidt, P., “Skull Base Osteomyelitis with Extensive Bony Erosion Complicated by Venous Sinus Thrombosis,” manuscript published in Clinical Case Reports, March 2023.
9. Gathman, T., Vasdev, R., Smetak, M., Williams, A., Budde, A., Iaizzo, P., “Joint Engineering-Medical School Programs Prepare Physicians for Clinical Challenges: An Innovation Curriculum,” manuscript published in Health Science Reports, October 2023.
10. Gathman, T., Huang, G., Fina, M., “Prognostic Factors in Primary Acquired Cholesteatoma,” manuscript submitted to Otology & Neurotology. [under review]
11. Gathman, T,., Sabal, L., Vasdev R., Nascene, D., Budde, A., "Innovation in Medical Student Education: Implementing Clerkships in 3D Printing, Virtual Reality, and Medical Device Development," manuscript submitted to Medical Science Educator. [under review]
Textbook Chapters:
Gathman, T., Rivera-Leon, A., Kane, T., Vasdev, R., Abdalla, I., Song, A.. (2023). Chapter 18, Artificial Intelligence Applications in Development: Technological View . In Eltorai, A., Pan, I., Dreyer, K., Guo, H. (Ed.), Radiology and Artificial Intelligence: Medical
and Societal Impact (Accepted, In Press ). Boca-Raton: Taylor & Francis: CRC Press .
Jacobs, A., Gathman, T., Shumacher, A., Vasdev, R., Wu, D.. (2023). Chapter 32, Feasibility and Implementation: Financial View. In Eltorai, A., Pan, I., Dreyer, K., Guo, H. (Ed.), Radiology and Artificial Intelligence: Medical and Societal Impact (Accepted, In
Press). Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis: CRC Press.
Vasdev, R., Abdalla, I., Song, A., Gathman, T., Rivera-Leon, A., Kane, T.. (2023). Chapter 30, Attitudes and Implementation Feasibility: Technological View. In Eltorai, A., Pan, I., Dreyer, K., Guo, H. (Ed.), Radiology and Artificial Intelligence: Medical and
Societal Impact (Accepted, In Press). Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis: CRC Press .