Lulia Kana, MD
Lulia Kana, MD
Narrative Bio
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Undergraduate: University of Michigan
Medical School: University of Michigan Medical School
Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research NIH TL1 Fellowship, University of Michigan (TL1TR002242) (2019-2020)
NIH Supported Short Term Biomedical Research Training Program, University of Michigan Medical School (2017)
Phi Beta Kappa, University of Michigan (2016)
Phi Kappa Phi, University of Michigan (2016)
James B Angell Scholar, University of Michigan (2015-2016)
Post Graduate Training
Pre-doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Ethics - Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2020-2021
M.S. in Clinical Research - University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, 2019-2020
PUBLICATIONS- Kana LA, Shuman AG, De Vries R, Firn JI. Taking the Burden Off: A Study of the Quality of Ethics Consultation in the Time of COVID-19. [Epub ahead of print]. Journal of Medical Ethics. 2021;medethics-2020-107037
- Hogikyan ND, Kana LA, Shuman AG, Firn JI. Patient perceptions of trust formation in the surgeon-patient relationship: a thematic analysis. Patient Education and Counseling. [Epub ahead of print]. Patient Educ Couns. 2021;S0738-3991(21)00069-0
- Killeen OJ*, Cho J*, Newman-Casey PA, Kana LA, Woodward MA. Barriers and Facilitators to Obtaining Eyeglasses among Vulnerable Patients in a Michigan Free Clinic. [Epub ahead of print]. Optom Vis Sci. 2021;98(3):243-249
- Kana LA, Feder KJ, Matuzko N, Firn JI. Pediatric Interprofessional ICU Ethics Rounds: A Single-Center Study. Hosp Pediatr. 2021;11(4):411-416
- Kana LA, Shuman AG, Helman J, Krawcke K, Brown DJ. Disparities and ethical considerations for children with tracheostomies during the COVID-19 pandemic [Epub ahead of print]. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 2020;10.2322/PRM-200749.
- Kana LA, Firn J, Shuman AG, Hogikyan ND. Patient perceptions of trust in trainees during delivery of surgical care: a thematic analysis. [Epub ahead of print]. J Surg Educ. 2020;S1931-7204(20)30318-4.
- Kana LA, Noronha C, Diamond S, Pun M, Broderick MT, Finks JF, Sandhu G. Experiential-learning Opportunities Enhance Engagement in Pipeline Program: A Qualitative Study of the Doctors of Tomorrow Summer Internship Program. J Natl Med Assoc. 2020;112(1):15-23
- Lee E, Decker AM, Cackowski FC, Kana LA, Yumoto K, Jung Y, Wang J, Buttitta L, Morgan TM, Taichman RS. Growth Arrest-Specific 6 (GAS6) Promotes Prostate Cancer Survival by G1 Arrest/S Phase Delay and Inhibition of Apoptotic Pathway During Chemotherapy in Bone Marrow. J Cell Biochem. 2016:117(12);2815-2824.
- Jung Y, Decker AM, Wang J, Lee E, Kana LA, Yumoto K, Cackowski FC, Rhee J, Carmeliet P, Buttitta L, Morgan TM, Taichman RS. Endogenous GAS6 and Mer receptor signaling regulate prostate cancer stem cells in bone marrow. Oncotarget. 2016;7(18):25698-25711.
- Horowitz S, Koepnick B, Martin R, Tymieniecki A, Winburn AA, Cooper S, et al. (credited by name in this manuscript under “University of Michigan students”). Determining crystal structure through crowdsourcing and coursework. Nat Commun. 2016;7:12549.
- Kana LA, Marchiano EJ, Shuman AG, Hogikyan ND. Disclosing Errors of Others. Difficult Decisions in Surgical Ethics- An Evidence-Based Approach, Lonchyna VA, Kelley P, Angelos P (Eds). Springer, 2020 (In Press)
- Kana LA, Kovatch K, Shuman AG. Patient and family wishing to pursue futile care. Problem Based Learning in Head and Neck Surgery, Moore M, Givi B (Eds.). Hoboken, Wiley, 2020 (In Press)
- Kana LA, Kovatch K, Shuman AG. Patient refusing standard of care of treatment. Problem Based Learning in Head and Neck Surgery, Moore M, Givi B (Ed.). Hoboken, Wiley, 2020 (In Press)