Amanda Zhang
Amanda Zhang
Narrative Bio
Amanda Zhang, MD
Hi from Chicago! Things I enjoy: group exercise classes, baking, traveling. Things I wish I were better at: playing the guitar, meditating, tasting wine, learning languages.
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Undergraduate: Harvard College
Medical School: University of Chicago
- Academic Decathlon National Silver Medalist
- MIT Open Ballroom Dance Competition Silver Medalist
- University of Chicago Humanitarian Award
- Zhang A, Spiegel T, Bundy A, Sullivan K, Green G, Chia S, Press VG. (2023). Evaluation of a transitions clinic to bridge emergency department and primary care. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 18(3), 217-223.
- Zhang A, Wroblewski KE, Imbery TE, McClintock MK, Hawkley LC, Pinto, JM. (2023). Can digital communication protect against depression for older adults with hearing and vision impairment during
- Hswen Y, Zhang A, Brownstein JS. Estimating the incidence of cocaine use and mortality with music lyrics about cocaine. NPJ Digital Medicine. 2021 Jun 30; 4(1):100. PMID: 34193959.
- Hswen Y, Zhang A, Ventelou B. Estimation of Asthma Symptom Onset Using Internet Search Queries: Lag-Time Series Analysis. JMIR Public Health Surveillance. 2021 May; 10;7(5):e18593. PMID: 33970108.
- Hswen Y, Zhang A, Brownstein, JS. Leveraging black-market street buprenorphine pricing to increase capacity to treat opioid addiction, 2010–2018. Preventive Medicine. 2020 Aug; 137:106105. PMID: 32353575.
- Hswen Y, Zhang A, Freifeld C, Brownstein, JS. Evaluation of Volume of News Reporting and Opioid-Related Deaths in the United States: Comparative Analysis Study of Geographic and Socioeconomic Differences. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020 Jul; 22(7), e17693. PMID: 32673248.
- Hswen Y, Zhang A, Sewalk K, Tuli G, Brownstein JS, Hawkins JB. Use of social media to assess the impact of equitable state policies on LGBTQ patient experiences: An exploratory study. Healthcare (Amst). 2020 Jun; 8(2):100410. PMID: 32241681.